With its long tradition, the German city of Ulm is the home of fire-fighting technologies – and the home of our company. The heart of Magirus beats deep in the Danube valley in Ulm. Here the company's most important processes are focused in the new competence centre for fire protection technologies on more than 300,000 m²:
- Product development
- Manufacturing (turntable ladders and fire-fighting vehicles)
- Sales and order management
- Procurement and logistics
- Customer service
This consolidation is home to successful and uninterrupted collaboration, from product development all the way to production. After manufacture the first stop is the on-site test track, where we test our products down to the bone. Fire brigades and disaster protection units can test the vehicles and equipment they order right here on location on the job and can also participate in training sessions.
Magirus GmbH
Graf-Arco-Straße 30
89079 Ulm
Phone +49 731 408–0
Fax +49 731 408–2410
E-Mail magirus@remove-this.ivecogroup.com