
Further information about the accident with a turntable ladder at the Kiel Fire Department

On October 17, 2024, the fire department in Kiel had an accident involving a Magirus turntable ladder. The turntable ladder affected is an M32L-AS, which was handed over to the Kiel fire department in March 2016.

In the meantime, Magirus employees were on site to carry out initial investigations together with representatives of the Kiel fire department and the external expert (TÜV Nord) commissioned by the city of Kiel. After appropriate approval, the turntable ladder was transferred to Ulm for further investigations.

In Ulm, the individual ladder parts were dismantled in the presence of the expert from TÜV Nord and the ladder ropes were exposed. The knowledge gained indicates that a failure of the extension ropes led to the accident. A fault in the winch of the ladder insertion and extension system or in welding assemblies and rope guide systems could not be determined. At the same time, Magirus commissioned its own studies from TÜV Süd.

Magirus is well aware of the fire brigades' need for information. The experts have taken up the matter immediately. As soon as more information is available, it will be communicated.

Magirus once again expressly reminds the fire brigades to follow the operating and maintenance instructions for turntable ladders, in particular the chapter 'Maintenance'. It is also recommended to visually inspect the ropes in the ladder park in accordance with the operation and maintenance instructions. From today's perspective, if the ropes are properly maintained, there is no reason to take Magirus turntable ladders out of service.

Magirus customer service is available to answer questions from fire brigades.

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