On September 1, 40 new entrants began their three or three-and-a-half-year apprenticeships as Industrial Business Management Assistants (m/f/d), Warehouse Logistics Specialists (m/f/d), Construction Mechanics (m/f/d), Vehicle Paint Technicians (m/f/d), Industrial Mechanics (m/f/d), Industrial Electronics Technicians (m/f/d), or Automotive Mechatronic Technicians (m/f/d) at the CNH Industrial site in Ulm with Iveco Magirus AG, Magirus GmbH, and Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH. The apprentices are joined by eight automotive engineering students in a four-and-a-half-year dual-study program based on the Ulmer Modell, and one BA student in business administration.
On September 1, the new career starters were welcomed by Thomas Hilse, Managing Director of Magirus GmbH and Chairman of the Executive Board of Iveco Magirus AG, by Achim Specht, Member of the Executive Board of Iveco Magirus AG, as well as by the Works Council, the training supervisors of the respective professions and the youth representatives. The first few days are an orientation period for the highly motivated new trainees. They receive information about their training course, work processes, and future working life in modern commercial vehicle companies. In compliance with the latest safety measures and hygiene regulations, they then leave for a one-week event on 6 September, during which they get to know each other through team-building measures and learn about value management, attend seminars, and much more. At the end of the week, a committee consisting of the works council, the coordinator for training and further education, the youth representatives and the training supervisors listens with interest to the results of the trainees’ joint work in the seminars.
“With a total of 116 young people in all training years, we are one of the region’s most important training companies,” says Thomas Hilse, Managing Director of Magirus GmbH and Chairman of the Executive Board of Iveco Magirus AG. “We are not only a traditional company, but a forward-looking company that consciously relies on training, and thus on the opportunity to secure our future with highly qualified young professionals.”
“Fortunately, our fears, those of the trainees and their parents, that in-company training would suffer and lose quality under Covid-19 conditions have not come true. Of course, everyone involved had to get used to the new challenges, such as mouth-nose protection, home schooling, or getting to know their colleagues virtually. As a training company, we have always endeavored to keep the social distance as small as possible while at the same time safeguarding the health of our employees. We succeeded very well in this balancing act. Thanks to the sensible basic attitude of our trainees and our efforts, not only to maintain social interaction during training, but also to motivate them to learn independently, we have been able to maintain the quality and high level of training of the pre-Covid years,” says Wilfried Schmid, Chairman of the Works Council of the Joint Works Council of Iveco Magirus AG and Magirus GmbH.
Optimally equipped for the future
Iveco Magirus AG, Magirus GmbH and Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH are highly aware of their social responsibility and will again provide training in 2022 on a similar scale to 2021. The application process for the 2022 training year has already started. Secondary school graduates with Abitur will once again have the option of dual studies under the Ulmer Modell.