
Magirus delivers 40 fire engines to Chile

In a dignified ceremony Magirus has delivered 40 fire engines to equip Chilean fire brigades.

Chile's President Bachelet

Miguel Reyes, President of the national firefighter association, explaining Chile's president Michelle Bachelet the Magirus fire engine.

Last Monday, Magirus delivered 40 fire engines to the Chilean fire brigades. 500 firefighters from 40 fire brigades in Chile had come together in O’Higgins Park in Santiago to put their brand-new vehicles into operation. In a dignified ceremony President Michelle Bachelet handed over the keys received from the Managing Director of Magirus, Antonio Benedetti, to the fire chiefs. President Bachelet was accompanied by Rodrigo Peñailillo, the Minister of the Interior. Both expressed their satisfaction for the quality of the vehicles which will shift the fire protection in Chile to a new level.
The head of the National Command of Fire Brigades Miguel Reyes was enthusiastic about the event and the quality of the vehicles, which were handed over to the fire brigades after they have had an intense training on the new technology for the last days.

All fire engines are built on most reliable and proven IVECO chassis, partially the trucks provide all-wheel drive to ensure best performance, even off-road.

Every tank pumper is equipped with a 4,000 litre water tank, a powerful Magirus pump MPN 230 and additional a portable pump to ensure water supply at any times. For the first time in Chile the superstructure provides Magirus’ AluFire 3 technology which stands for the best technical solution that Magirus currently offers.

On the day of delivery Magirus recieved another order for ten additional units, part of a plan which will see Magirus deliver more than 150 vehicles to Chile within 2015. 

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